Full Name
Marsha Senter
Job Title
Solutions Manager
Speaker Bio
Marsha Senter has over 35 years of experience in blood donor centers, managing reference and transfusion services, component manufacturing and labeling; hospital service; IS quality assurance; and regulatory affairs and quality assurance. While in RA/QA, her focus has been on BECS (Blood Establishment Computer System) and multiple 510(k) submissions for both donor and transfusion systems. Since 2007, Marsha has been the WellSky Blood Centers solutions manager. She actively participates in ICCBBA’s ATAG (International Council for Commonality in Blood Banking Automation America’s Technical Advisory Group), the ISBT (International Society of Blood Transfusion) 128 standard and red cell antigen labeling standards, and the international ISBT WPIT (Working Party on IT Instrument Interface) Task Force. She has also participated as a 510(k)-industry expert at the BECS Conference. She is a member of AABB, ASCP, ISBT Working Party Interface Task Force and Working Party RFID, and vendor observer at ATAG.
Marsha Senter