The View from Washington: Legislative & Regulatory Highlights for Long Term & Post-Acute Care (LTACH, LTC, Rehabilitation, Behavioral Health)
Date & Time
Tuesday, September 13, 2022, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Hear the latest from a Washington lobbyist regarding how priorities of the Biden Administration and the 118th Congress will affect the post-acute care sector.  The administration has shown interest in home care and the reforms they wish to achieve in long-term care. Understand key updates for post-acute care settings, including policy and payment changes. Will Congress permanently expand the gains providers have achieved in telehealth? Will CMS retain policies related to the blanket waivers after the public health emergency subsides? Learn what major healthcare legislation Congress may pass and the impact the midterm elections may have.

LTACH, LTC, Rehabilitation, Behavioral Health
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Session slide deck